Students’ Succes Stories

Bali WISE is proud of the students’ results; 88% of all graduated students have found quality employment with fair wages. Most of them already before their graduation date, as it happens often that an Education Partner hires one or more trainees.

Graduates and their motivational quotes

“Do your best, because in the end, you will get what you work for.”

Ni Wayan Eka Noviani

Waitress, Cuca Restaurant, Graduation Year: 2021

“Your biggest dream is your biggest motivation to succeed.”

Ni Luh Agustini

Cook, Juice Corner, Graduation Year: 2020

“Chase your dream and face the challenges.”

Inggit Sri Mintiani

Production Operator, Daiho Hamamatsu Kabushikigaisha, Graduation Year: 2019

Our Student Eka’s Success Story

Eka (18 years old) comes from Karangasem in Bali. She graduated from SMK TI Bali Global Karangasem.

Family Background
Eka’s parents transmigrated to Central Sulawesi in 2009 and they work as coffee farmers there. Her younger brother lives with their parents. Since there were no schools and proper transportation and roads in Central Sulawesi, her parents decided to let Eka stay in Bali with her uncle who is a rose balsam farmer. She helped her uncle at the farm picking the rose balsams.

Eka’s Success
During the Bali WISE training, Eka showed to be a fast learner, diligent, and higly motivated. At Cuca Restaurant, where she did her Vocational Training, Eka was an attentive and hardworking trainee.

Seeing her potential, the training manager offered her a job, and Eka accepted. She has started her new job in Cuca Restaurant in April, 2021.

“I can reach my goals, as
long as I work hard for

Ni Wayan Eka Noviani

Cuca Restaurant

Graduates and their motivational quotes

“Love your job, not the coworker nor the workplace.”

Ni Putu Wima Leony

Senior Cook, Manarai Beach House by Ismaya, Graduation Year: 2018

“Be you, do you, for you.”

Ni Luh Ria Nuryati

Spa Therapist, The Kayon Resort Ubud, Graduation Year: 2017

“Dream, believe, and make it happen.”

Ni Luh Mony Wiyanti

Staff Member, Kantor Notaris Nyoman Carina Pariska Pribadi, SH., M.Kn, Graduation Year: 2016

Novita’s Success Story

Novita (18 years old) comes from Jumenang, Karangasem in Bali. She has this shy personality, but she is motivated in pursuing her dreams.

Family Background
Novita is the seventh of eight children; four of them are married, and the others are still in school. Her father is a construction worker and also a farmer with an unsteady income, which barely covers the daily needs for their big family. Novita often helped her father out with collecting grass for their cattle after school.

Novita’s Success
During the Bali WISE training, Novita demonstrated a great increase in self-confidence. She was a fast learner and a hard worker.
Novita completed her training in Cuca Restaurant at the Food & Beverages Service department, and was offered a job in the restaurant already in the first month of her 3-month training period.

She now has a quality job with fair wages and is able to provide in her family’s financial needs.

“Work hard and never give up. Stay positive in every situation!”

Ni Putu Novitasari

Cuca Restaurant