On 21st – 22nd February 2020, Recruitment officer and volunteers from Bali WISE held a socialization visit to Mr. Putu house in Bondalem village, there were 5 students who participated in the socialization, they were excited during the presentation and they were interested to join with Bali WISE. After the presentation, they took a test and an interview. They hope to pass the test and be able to join Bali WISE. In addition, we left the Bali WISE poster and flyer to be distributed to the nearest high school. The next day Ms. Komang (the recruitment officer) visited Carolia’s house in Karangasem where they met with Mr. Bambang and many students who were enthusiastic to attend the Bali WISE socialization. For the first session, Ms. Komang was presenting to 9 students from Mahkota Wisata Vocational school, in the second session, they were socializing with 10 Carolia students and 9 students who took the basic test. To complete the trip, they also distributed soap, nearby Carolia area, they’ve stopped by at one of the teacher from Highschool number 3 Amlapura, Ms. Komang held an initial meeting and left a poster to distribute in the school where he taught. The total number of participants was 24 people and those who took the basic test were 14 students.