A hotel or restaurant visit is part of the curriculum in Bali WISE. Such field trips enhance the students’ experience in hospitality education. In February, all 13 students of intake 45 visited Cuca Restaurant

Cuca restaurant

Cuca Restaurant is located in Jimbaran, Bali. This restaurant offers a casual meets fine-dining experience with a unique and different concept. The restaurant serves tapas, cocktails, and desserts using natural ingredients from across Indonesia. 

Success Story by Kevin and Virginia

The visit began with a speech by the Cuca operations manager introducing the concept of the restaurant, followed by a session with the kitchen staff and the HR assistant manager. Then, chefs and owners, Kevin and Virginia, shared their success stories about how they build the restaurant from zero to become one of the best restaurants in Asia. 

Tour around  the Restaurant

After these inspiring presentations, the Bali WISE students were shown around the restaurant area, tested their special dessert, and participated in a staff meeting to get the sense of hospitality in a restaurant as stunning and unique as Cuca.