On November 29, the students of intake 43, intake 44, intake 45, and intake 46 had finally celebrated their graduation in a simple yet heartwarming ceremony with only teachers and R.O.L.E. Foundation staff.
Graduation Delayed for Months
The graduation ceremony was supposed to be held in July 2021, with three intakes participating. Unfortunately, the coronavirus cases suddenly skyrocketed at that moment and the emergency restriction was issued, causing the graduation ceremony to be delayed. The graduates were waiting patiently for the graduation ceremony for months, meanwhile looking for a job. During the delay, intake 46 also graduated, and this is why we had the special occasion of having a graduation ceremony for four intakes.

The Long-Awaited Graduation Ceremony
The graduation ceremony took place on November 29, 2021, in Allia Hotel, not far from the Bali WISE office. The graduation ceremony started at 03.30 pm and ended at 06.00 pm.
There were a total of 46 graduates from intake 43, intake 44, intake 45, and intake 46. Few of them could not come due to personal reasons, but a total of 36 graduates participated in the ceremony, wearing beautiful traditional costumes and happy smiles on their faces. While the ceremony was limited to only graduates, staff, and teachers, everyone enjoyed the heartwarming atmosphere and was grateful to finally gather to celebrate their graduation.

Call for Action: Our Graduates Are Ready to be Hired!
We would like to invite you to be part of our good cause to stop the poverty cycle by hiring our graduates who come from disadvantaged families. For more information, please visit https://baliwise.org/recruit-a-graduate/ or you can contact our HR officer at hr@baliwise.org.

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