As a way to prepare for the professional life ahead, career consultation is considered as an essential thing that can be provided to the students in guiding their interest in the prevalent work industry. Then, on 3rd December 2022, Talenesia as an online platform whose vision is to empower youngsters to find their potential, invited Bali WISE students Intake 51 in discussing their careers and potential which can help them to find their capability in every circumstance
One day for Wide Range Skills

In providing the consultation, the session was divided into two different sessions, the first session was about self-introduction with an interest aptitude test which was guided by Ms. Ranti a Research Manager of Gojek then this session was assisted by Mr. Aldo, CEO of Talenesia, Ms. Dwi Fatan Lilyana, HR Practitioner, and Mr. Rohmat Ramadhan from Talenesia. Then, the second session, it was a free consultation related to the career, and its discussion was led by Mr. Aldo and Ms. Lily. The students were so excited to ask many things about this opportunity.
Assisting individuals to know better about themselves

Since Talenesia focuses to work in assisting youngsters to overlook their inner potential. It really helps Bali WISE students to learn their capacity to obtain a good quality of life through knowing and understanding themselves.
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