Sharing sessions are powerful opportunities to connect with others, exchange ideas, and foster personal and collective growth. Therefore, inviting one Bali WISE staff becomes a valuable insight that the students can gain from the staff experience. On this occasion, Bali WISE invites Ms. Novi, recruitment officer to share her experiences that can motivate Bali WISE students to learn and grow.
Personal Growth Stories
On 31st August 2023, Ms. Novi shared her personal growth and self-discovery journey through a series of transformative experiences. Ms. Novi’s story served as a reminder that it’s never too late to embark on a path of self-improvement and Ms. Novi highlighted that the students’ life journeys are marked by continuous learning.
Raising Empathy and Support

Sharing sessions are a remarkable way to nurture personal growth, build connections, and gain fresh perspectives on life’s journey. Ms. Novi’s recent sharing session left the students feeling inspired, motivated, and grateful for the opportunity to connect with such a diverse and supportive group of individuals. This sharing session encourages the students to seek out their potential to grow.
“you never know what insights and connections you might discover along the way.”
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