On the 10th of March 2021, the Bali WISE students had a fire prevention and safety training at the ZeroWaste Center.

Part of the Bali WISE Curriculum

Fire prevention and safety training is part of the curriculum of the Hospitality and Life Skills Training in the 1st three months of the Bali WISE Program. In hospitality, the event of a fire happening in the workplace cannot be taken lightly. This training helps the students to identify potential fire hazards and it also provides them with sufficient knowledge about how to act in the event of a fire. Part of the safety training was how to respond to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Fire Simulation at The ZeroWaste Center

The training was led by a skillful trainer, Mr. Widi, from Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Bali (the Regional Agency for Disaster Management), and began with explaining about common causes of fires, fire prevention, and how to respond properly in the event of a fire. 

Before practicing a fire simulation, the trainer explained the parts of a fire extinguisher and how to use it. During the simulation, the students practiced extinguishing a fire, using both a fire extinguisher and wet towels.

Last, the students were trained in how to respond to earthquakes and tsunamis. When working in a public space, this knowledge is crucial for taking responsibility in the event of a potential hazard. 

Want to know more about the Bali WISE curriculum for marginalized women to get them ready for a skilled quality job? Click here to find out more.