Bali WISE Basic Education Class | Intake 40 – Week 12 | Performing Arts| Friday, 28th June 2019

Bali WISE students – Intake 40 held Performing Arts performance at Bali WISE campus, with the attendance of the CEO of R.O.L.E Foundation, staff, and teachers. Students were divided into four groups. Group 1 performed a drama on the severity if the public show less concern for our environment. The play concluded with a takeaway message, that is to protect and preserve our earth before it is too late. Group 2 showed their creativity as active and smart millennial through their musical performance, as they sang and danced to a few songs. Group 3 showed a mix of traditional Balinese dance and modern dance. Group 4 did a musical drama. As the millennial generation, they raise the theme stop bullying, which often happens in today’s society. This performance creates an awareness of students bullying and the need to stop such bullying. All the performances were awe-inspiring, fresh, interesting. The students displayed full confidence in their performance. The audience gave all the groups huge applause for remarkable performance. Great job girls!