Bali WISE Basic Education Class | Intake 40 – Week 4 | Spa Class | Thursday, May 2nd 2019 – Teacher: Ms. Weda

As part of their curriculum, Bali WISE student is having their Spa Class. Our Spa Class focused on practical hands on experience. Today the students learning on Balinese massage, first they learn on the main five movements there are Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Percussion/Tapotement, and Vibration. The students very enthusiastic to get to know more about Spa and spa therapist they take turns to practice the massage. Ms. Weda taught them on the technique of massage and how to give the right pressure on massage to create perfect customer experiences for the Spa.

Spa plays an important role in hotel industry, resorts and tourist destinations, hopefully by having the skills of Spa our students will have a good career in the hospitality industry.