Raden Ajeng Kartini: Through Darkness to Light

Raden Ajeng Kartini: Through Darkness to Light

An exceptional and inspiring woman is Raden Ajeng Kartini. She has led many Indonesian women towards access to education and has inspired the next female generation to fight for equality in a world, where women are frequently overpowered by men. Kartini’s Life Story...
Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy In Indonesia

Child Marriage and Early Pregnancy In Indonesia

Young women’s education can minimize at least two things: the poverty cycle and early pregnancy. Bali WISE is determined to provide free hospitality training for these young women’s brighter future. Indonesian Law of Child Marriage In 2019, Indonesian law on child...
The Next Vocational Training Term

The Next Vocational Training Term

Earlier this July, 13 students of intake 46 and four students of intake 43 started their Vocational Training at some of Bali WISE Education Partners’ businesses. Training During the Pandemic With the ‘new normal’ in place, the hotels require the trainees to be tested...